
We have a new challenge for members this year - the BCC Biggest Improvement Award.

As the title suggests this is an individual award to be presented to the member who makes the most significant improvement in 2021. It is an individual challenge taking in two specially devised Segments.

We invite you to visit early in the season to set a benchmark time then revisit later in the year when you feel on top-form. We will then review the submitted times to calculate the rider who achieves the most significant change.

Where are the Segments?
Both are only a 30 minute ride from Balham and can be found by riding out on the Biggin Hill and Westerham Social Ride routes.

Shirley Hills Segment - follow the Biggn Hill SR Route and you will pick up the segment at km 12.3 / 7.5miles. Here is the route and the corresponding Strava segment.

To record your time use Segment link https://www.strava.com/segments/27067576

Croham Road Segment - follow the Westerham SR Route and you will pick up the segment at km 12.3 / 7.5miles. Here is the croute and corresponding segment.

To record your time use Segment link https://www.strava.com/segments/27067549