
116km | 70 Miles

This route takes us out on a loop to some lovely, quiet lanes in Surrey and dips down in to West Sussex, skirting Gatwick before turning northwards heading home. 

A little hilly at the beginning and end as we get up and over the the North Downs, but with a lovely rolling/flat portion in the middle! You will recognise the beginning part of the route (similar the Reigate Hill SR route) and the end part (similar to part of the longer Box Hill SR route)...but the rest is all new!

Please Note:

1. There are 2 ’short-cuts’ - both flat and easily do-able on a road bike, the first paved and the second is hard-packed gravel. The first is at km 29, and the second at km 31 after a short stretch of Outwood Lane. Take care at the approach to the second section as the right turn off Outwood Lane is on top of a rise.

2. At 45 km the junction with the A217 has a bike lane crossing…but it does land you in the middle of the road!  Avoid!

Our route turns left, southwards for a little bit before looping a round about and heading north to the juction at Horse Hill.

Coffee Stop - Tanhouse Farm cafe at 65km 

Plane Spotting Strava Route.